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Thammasat University Central Library locates on Tha Prachan Campus. There are 10 branches on Rangsit Campus and in various faculties. Together, all libraries hold a collection of well over 1,000,000 books and over 3,000 titles of periodicals in Thai and foreign languages. The library provides computerized facilities and services, and an added section that offers multimedia facilities, including a collection of films, music, and audio-visual materials.

In addition, there are excellent special collection libraries at the Faculties of Law, Commerce and Accountancy, Economics, Political Science, and Journalism and Mass Communication which also serve students and staff from other Faculties.

The Rangsit Campus Library provides information and literature on various subjects including science and engineering. At the Sirindhorn International Institute for Technology (SIIT), the Library and Information Service Center has an excellent collection of textbooks, proceedings, reports, technical magazines and journals. The Institute of East Asian Studies also has a good collection of Japanese and Korean books.

An interlibrary loan services is available for both the ThaPrachan and Rang Campus.

Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 20:00
Saturday / Sunday 9:00 – 18:00

Libraries in Rangsit and Tha Prachan Campus

Rangsit Campus Nongyao Chaiseri Library http://main.library.tu.ac.th/med2556/
Thammasat Library, Rangsit Campus http://main.library.tu.ac.th/branches/rangsit/
Puey Ungphakorn Library (Rangsit Campus ) http://pueylib.com/
Tha Prachan Campus
Pridi Banomyong Library http://main.library.tu.ac.th/demo/pridi/
Sanya Dharmasakti Library http://main.library.tu.ac.th/sanyalib/
Professor SangvianIndaravijaya Library http://main.library.tu.ac.th/panitlib/index.php/th/
Professor Direk Jayanama Library http://main.library.tu.ac.th/direk2014/v2/
Puey Ungphakorn Library
Faculty of Journalism & Mass Communication Library


For more information, please visit http://main.library.tu.ac.th/tulib2013